Tank Warfare Has Changed! (Tiny Tanks)
Episode Title: Tank Warfare Has Changed! (Tiny Tanks)
Produced by: John Page
Description: War has changed... its a series of tank based proxy battles, as friends compete to be the best tank driver they can be... War has changed... its a multiplayer party game about colorful tanks, an endless flood of game modes and absolute destruction mayhem. To top it all off, everything is "physically accurate". War, my friends... has changed. ● Subscribe for More! → http://bit.ly/TehSmartySubs ●SECOND YOUTUBE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/c/Pagemaster ● Please consider supporting me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/john_page ●Get you some Merch!!!! https://teespring.com/stores/tehsmarty ●Amazon Affiliate Link https://amzn.to/2EJ0qqg ● Check out my Twitch Streams http://www.twitch.tv/johnpage ● Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr: https://twitter.com/tehsmarty http://www.facebook.com/johnfreakinpage http://www.johnfreakinpage.tumblr.com
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