How to Pick Your Major | Study Tips

Episode Title: How to Pick Your Major | Study Tips
Produced by: Socratica
Description: Hello Socratica Friends! We've built you a Study Tips Website! If you want to create your own website, go to: If you're headed off to college, you're bound to hear this question soon: What's Your MAJOR? What are you going to MAJOR in? What, you don't know what you're doing for the rest of your life yet? Don't worry, Socratica Friends. Let's talk about how to figure out what major is right for you. For instance, we recommend you start paying closer attention to what GRABS your attention! What headlines do you pay attention to in the news? Are you interested in medical discoveries? Or are you more interested in what's happening in politics? Little clues like this will help you become more aware of what might be your true calling in life. You may also be interested in taking an "Interests Assessment" test. Your school may offer one of these for free, so be sure to check with your campus career development office. But if not, there are companies that will give you one of these tests (like the Strong Inventory Assessment) and explain what your scores mean. You can also, of course, ask your friends and family for advice. But remember, ultimately, this is YOUR decision. So listen to your heart! And your gut. And your brain. If you want to find all of our STUDY TIPS in one place, visit the new Socratica Study Tips website: ▸ ●●●●● Watch more Study Tips videos in our playlist: ▸ You can subscribe to Socratica here: ▸ ●●●●● To​ ​help​ ​us​ make videos more quickly,​ ​you​ ​can​ ​support​ Socratica at: ​Patreon​: Paypal: Bitcoin: 1EttYyGwJmpy9bLY2UcmEqMJuBfaZ1HdG9 Thank​ ​you!! ●●●●● We recommend the following texts: Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World ▸ Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for you Through the Secrets of Personality Type ▸ Shop Amazon Used Textbooks - Save up to 90% ●●●●● Host: Liliana De Castro Written and Produced by Kimberly Hatch Harrison #College #Major #StudyTips

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