How The Shawshank Redemption Humanizes Prisoners

Episode Title: How The Shawshank Redemption Humanizes Prisoners
Produced by: Pop Culture Detective
Description: Help me make more videos! On a narrative level The Shawshank Redemption is a movie about the power of hope in the face of extraordinary hardship. But underpinning Andy Dufresne’s story we also find a blistering critique of the prison system and criminal justice policy in the United States. The film’s narrative and cinematography work in conjunction to humanize, not just our protagonists, but all the prisoners at Shawshank. And that humanization is instrumental in facilitating the film’s larger critique the prison industrial complex. RESOURCES • How to support male survivors: • Just Detention International: • Statistics and facts about sexual violence: • Criminal Justice and Prison Facts: REFERENCES • Ava DuVernay's documentary "The 13th" • The Race Gap in US Prisons: • Biden's Crime Bill Speech Is Worse Than You Think: • Rope Needs More Gay by Rantasmo: PATREON If you’d like to help fund my video essays, please visit Patreon: PAYPAL If you'd rather make a one-time donation you can do it via PayPal: TEXT TRANSCRIPT Coming soon COMMENTS All comments are held for approval on account of YouTube comments being a continuing dumpster fire. If you'd like to participate in constructive online conversations about this video, please share it on your social media networks. FAIR USE All multimedia clips included in this video constitute a 'fair use' of any copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright law, which allows for criticism, comment and scholarship. Learn more about fair use with this awesome app by New Media Rights! CREDITS Writer/Producer: Jonathan McIntosh Motion Graphics: Jonathan McIntosh Logo Design: Justin McIntosh Outro music: Jonathan Mann

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