Everything GREAT About Captain Marvel! (Part 1)
Episode Title: Everything GREAT About Captain Marvel! (Part 1)
Produced by: CinemaWins
Description: Check out Skillshare! https://www.skl.sh/cinemawins4 Captain Marvel! Some people loved it! Some people meh-ed it. Some people hated it. Some people just hate Brie Larson. Business as usual. Here's everything right with Captain Marvel! Just in case you don't make it to the end of the video, this is a 2 parter, but mostly because I have a lot to say in the conclusion. I guarantee everyone will walk away happy and in agreement as is the norm on this blessed website. Support me through PATREON if you'd like: https://www.patreon.com/CinemaWins CinemaWins Merch! https://standard.tv/collections/cinemawins CinemaWins Socials: Subscribe: http://goo.gl/T3Joat Twitter: http://goo.gl/cdLfrb Facebook: http://goo.gl/sqBQJy Check out my other videos: EGA How to Train Your Dragon 3: http://y2u.be/N5FQPMicnHI EGA X-Men: http://y2u.be/tx5TITvsL74 EGA Ant-Man & The Wasp: http://y2u.be/oQzVogzEOIk EGA Infinity War (Part 1): http://y2u.be/-M6HnyBp5Vo EGA Infinity War (Part 2): http://y2u.be/GITgvUHJfXg EGA Into The Spiderverse: http://y2u.be/Bv-8xMi4u_w EGA Black Panther: http://y2u.be/PwPwJFIwD80 EGA John Wick 2: http://y2u.be/KLHN8oMc5oE EGA The Amazing Spider-Man: http://y2u.be/pvJif3-c3H8 EGA Lego Movie 2: http://y2u.be/HOYr4IrxSdI Outro Music: "Rise of the Heroes" by Jon Wright
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