
Showing posts from September, 2018

Everything GREAT About The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring! (Part 1)

Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring! (PART 1) No fake out this time. This movie is so long, which makes for a long video.

Blockbuster Buster | Baywatch

Time to Bust The Bay.

On Finally Understanding The Matrix Sequels

Sage says: For fifteen years, I’ve assumed that the Matrix Sequels were irredeemable failures. But looking back on them with fresh eyes reveals a pair of films that are exhilarating, interesting, and sometimes hilarious. In this video I try to make sense of these two movies, and what they have to say about free will and the systems that control society. 

Channel Awesome Retrospective #7 | Brad Jones The CinemaSnob Ft. ExtraMana

Extramana and NobleAbsinth are collabing to bring to you a retrospective series on every contributor at Channel Awesome (formerly known as TGWTG). The reviewing community on YouTube owes a lot to guys like Doug Walker and James Rolf for propelling many of the YouTube “celebrities” we see today. Channel Awesome also serves as decent folklore about the early days of YouTube. Today's episode revolves around one of the upper level producers on the site, Brad Jones the Cinema Snob. He reviews shlock, lots of it.

Channel Awesome Retrospective #6 | Linkara ft: NobleAbsinthe

NobleAbsinthe and Extramana are collabing to bring to you a retrospective series on every contributor at Channel Awesome (formerly known as TGWTG). The reviewing community on YouTube owes a lot to guys like Doug Walker and James Rolfe for propelling many of the YouTube “celebrities” we see today. Channel Awesome also serves as decent folklore about the early days of YouTube. Today’s episode is on Linkara, one of the few comic book producers on Channel Awesome.

The Aces | Star Wars Resistance

The skies belong to the Aces. Get to know the platform's most daring pilots when Star Wars

Patrick Explains STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (And Why It's Great)

Patrick Explains STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI (And Why It's Great)

The Storytelling Language of Star Wars

Let’s talk about how the storytelling of Star Wars has evolved (or hasn’t) over 40 years.

CoolHardLogic - Episode 7: Knowledge Awakens

"There's been an awakening. Have you felt it?" "Yes!" Knowledge is strong in CoolHardLogic. May the Force of Knowledge be with them!

DOOM: The Fake Outrage

Countdown to the first accusation of meta-meta-outrage.