
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Downfall - The Channel Awesome Legacy

It's a few weeks since "Change the Channel" started with the publishing of a document. The document itself is a seventy page condemnation of Channel Awesome, and their questionable behaviour and incidents that resulted due to it. Here's another look at things that went wrong in the situation...

The Problems With The Gamer From Mars: The Channel Awesome Controversy

Recently a document was released, with both anonymous and named members of the Channel Awesome crew coming out with their experiences about the company, from some admittedly minor grievances all the way to sexual assault, particularly by Mike Michaud, one of the founders of the company and the man with the right to The Nostalgia Critic Brand. Out of this controversy the #ChangeTheChannel movement has been born, with hundreds of thousands of people rallying together to get rid of questionable management employed at Channel Awesome, and possibly even get the company shut down for good. Since the start of all of this, various YouTube videos have come out on the subject, both from former and current fans, employees, spectators who simply find amusement in the situation, and then…. The Gamer From Mars...

In Regards to JewWario and "Farewell, FamiKamen Rider"

Not much else to say here. This video discusses MarzGurl's personal knowledge as well as lack of knowledge of the nature of Justin Carmical's behaviors and what is happening now to the projects she worked on with him and for him. Thank you for your understanding in the matter.

CHANNEL AWESOME: How To Hit Rock Bottom and Keep Digging

Another Episode of "Change the Channel": Analyzing Channel Awesome's extremely defensive "debunking" of the allegations against them and why it proves absolutely f*ck all.  More Infos and Links on YouTube .

CHANNEL AWESOME: How To Hit Rock Bottom and Keep Digging

Analyzing Channel Awesome's extremely defensive "debunking" of the allegations against them and why it proves absolutely f* all.

#ChangeTheChannel: What Happened with Channel Awesome?

Here's what's going down with Channel Awesome, why the Google Doc was made, and a little bit about what's happened since. The document in question:

The Ballad of Mike Michaud and Channel Awesome || Hamilton Parody (You'll Be Back)

If you haven't heard the original song from Hamilton that this is parodying (You'll Be Back), you should listen to that first. The song is a "love letter" from King George to the United States just before going into the battle for America's independence. After you've heard that song, come back and listen to this one.

Channel Awesome Retrospective #4 | Bennett The Sage ft: Extramana

Extramana and NobleAbsinth are collabing to bring to you a retrospective series on every contributor at Channel Awesome (formerly known as TGWTG). The reviewing community on YouTube owes a lot to guys like Doug Walker and James Rolf for propelling many of the YouTube “celebrities” we see today. Channel Awesome also serves as decent folklore about the early days of YouTube. Today's episode revolves around one of the mid level to upper level producers on the site, Bennett the Sage. He reviews anime, really well, and reviews other stuff, decently too...

Channel Awesome Retrospective #3 | Jesu Otaku ft: NobleAbsinthe

NobleAbsinthe and Extramana are collabing to bring to you a retrospective series on every contributor at Channel Awesome (formerly known as TGWTG). The reviewing community on YouTube owes a lot to guys like Doug Walker and James Rolfe for propelling many of the YouTube “celebrities” we see today. Channel Awesome also serves as decent folklore about the early days of YouTube. Today’s episode is on Jesu Otaku, one of the few anime producers on Channel Awesome.

#ChangeTheChannel my late take

#ChangeTheChannel - SadPanda's late take.

Channel Awesome | Fallen Titans #3

In the wake of Change the Channel Quinton has rearranged his series of Fallen Titans to bring the former That Guy with the Glasses  side - later Channel Awesome - history back in our minds.

The Cautionary Tale of Channel Awesome

What happened to Channel Awesome?

My Time at Channel Awesome (#Changethechannel)

So, alot has come out on the topic of Channel Awesome and the #Changethechannel movement. John Page figured it be best to talk about his time working at CA, and why he wants nothing to do with it anymore.. He was asked to add to the "Not So Awesome" Document, but he chose to make a video of his own experiences.

My time with CA and the #ChangeTheChannel situation

One of the producers at CA talks about his time there and his personal opinions on the #changethechannel situation.

Live Reaction to Channel Awesome's Response to Former Producers' Grievances

Channel Awesome dropped a response to the grievances that ex-contributors had with them while MarzGurl was in the middle of a live stream, and she stopped he game to read it out loud to the audience. This was her immediate response.

MarzGurl - Season 13

Another season of MarzGurl that has to be splitted in two parts, as there are shadows coming, and titans that fall...

Charlottesville: The True Alt-Right

Content warning: everything you might expect to be present at a rally attended by a bunch of neo-nazis. Hate speech of every kind.

Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen- Rebecca Parham (Music Video Only)

Song Available on Bandcamp: By popular demand, here is an upload of just the music video portion of the 1 Million Subscriber Extravaganza video from Let Me Explain Stuidos! Please enjoy!

Not so awesome - Time to Change the Channel...

This could be a turning point... some producers of the website formerly know as "That Guy with the Glasses" - now Channel Awesome - have put together a document called "Not So Awesome", where they address some problems that are obviously going on. And there's a lot going on... This is the document:


 Content Not So Awesome - Time To Change The Channel ... Will be completed