
Showing posts from December, 2008

TIE Fighter - A Star Wars Story

The clash between Rebellion and Empire goes on. The Empires unleashes one of their greatest threats: TIE fighters...

Nostalgic Woman 2008

The Nostalgic Woman's series of 2008 looking at such masterpieces like "Anastasia" or "She-Ra - Princess of Power"...

AT4W: Top 15 WTF Moments in Bad Comics

Fifteen moments in bad comics that'll make you go whiskey-tango-foxtrot.

Nostalgia Critic - Episode 1: In the Beginning there was...

After the start with his pilot Episode in July 2007 this season originally ran until December 30th of 2008. The Nostalgia Critic reviews Batman and Robin, Surf Ninjas, Captain Planet, Mortal Kombat and much more - and his fandom grew. That guy with the glasses came up and the first rivalries with the Angry Video Game Nerd.

MarzGurl - Season 4

The fourth year of MarzGurl going on producing stuff! And she entered a contest to become a part of the team of That Guy with the Glasses, which in the end did work out.

AT4W: Titans #1

Not the Teen Titans, but at the same maturity level.