
Showing posts from December, 2015

MarzGurl - Season 10, Part 2

The second part of MarzGurl's season 10. And it's all still running...

YouTube Rewind: Now Watch Me 2015 | #YouTubeRewind

YouTube Rewind 2015. Celebrating the videos, people, music and moves that made 2015.

Nostalgia Critic - Episode 8: The Lost Critic

The signs seem to come clearer: The Nostalgia Critic is living in a strange Matrix, where everything is somehow bad. But is it really bad?

The Last Angry Geek - A Palimpsest of the early Years

The Last Angry Geek once was on another website, before it was cancelled. This is a palimpsest of his early works.

Some Jerk with a Camera - 2015, More than One Movie Later

Things are rolling, content is coming back. This is Some Jerk with a Camera...

Star Wars 7 Spoilers & Theories Discussion!

AngryJoe, OtherJoe & Delrith Discuss The Force Awakens Spoilers & go over Top 10 Theories from the movies Mysteries!

KyleKBHH - 2015

After the Blip Event Kyle is one of the producer who has to save his archive while still going on reviewing. And he does...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Angry Movie Review

AngryJoe Reviews Star Wars The Force Awakens! Sorry our original footage with OtherJoe & Delrith was unrecoverable! However we will have the whole crew together for the upcoming Spoilers Discussion Video!

Last Week Tonight - Episode 2: Migrants, Refugees and Mental Health

Problems on the horizon... the ignorance is getting stronger. But John Oliver and his Team of Last Week Tonight are still fighting...

Everything Wrong With Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

No movie is without sin. Let us make an experiment with Cinema Sins and see what they do with it. They go on on Star Wars Episode I this time looking for movie mistakes. And obviously they had to do in two parts. This is the second part.